
Favorite quote: “What’s meant to be in life will be. Everything happens for a reason.”
Guilty pleasure: Butterfingers
Most embarrassing moment: When I was 10, after dinner with my family at Olive Garden, we were leaving at the busiest time of the evening. While walking out, I dropped my food all over the floor in front of 2 full waiting areas of people…My mom and bother took off running from embarrassment. I was crying and humiliated, but my sweet dad came to my rescue!
What I'm afraid of: Deep Oceans
Pet peeve: Leaving the toilet seat up
First job: Cheerleading coach at EC Athletics
One thing on my bucket list that I have not done: Fly in an F16 plane
Current celebrity crush: Chris Hemsworth
First concert: Rascal Flats
Favorite food: Indian food and pizza